Mrs Boscher’s Class – sponsored swim

Dear Parents/Carers

Due to a scheduled transition day for Year 1 on Friday 29th June, we unfortunately have to move our sponsored swim day to this Friday 22nd June. The swim will take place starting at 9am until 10.20am and hope that you can still come and support. We apologise for the short notice.

Kind regards

Mrs Boscher


Weekly Note – w/c 11.6.18

Dear Parents/Carers



Over the rest of this half term we will be learning about Captain Cook and building this into our Literacy lessons. The children will have the opportunity to learn about places that Captain Cook explored and some of the things that he discovered. This is a very exciting topic for the children to learn about and we look forward to teaching it to them.



In numeracy this week we will be looking at finding the difference but we will include finding change. You may like to play some shopping games at home where your child can use some real money to find change. The children are used to making amounts of money when they pay for their activities in the Discovery Zone.


Sport your Trainers/Race for Life – Friday 15th June

Next Friday we have our Sport Your Trainers day where the children can wear sports clothes mufti and trainers for a recommended donation (50p). This fundraising will go towards the Guernsey Sports Commission. After school we will be having our very own Race for life where the children can take part in a run around the school grounds. There will be a form which will be handed out for you to fill in to indicate whether or not your child would like to take part. We anticipate this being quite a popular event so do politely ask that if your child wants to take part they are accompanied by a parent or carer for the run.



This week most of the children will have come home with a list of High Frequency Words which we will be working on being able to spell. Each week we will work on these words and encourage the children to pay more attention to spelling them correctly in their writing. We won’t be testing the children formally on these words.


Upcoming Events

Monday 18th June:- Sports Day – more information will follow shortly regarding what colour to wear.

Week beginning 25th June:- Sponsored Swim –  Children will be bringing home a sponsorship form this week which contains more information. All of the children’s sponsored swim sessions will happen on their usual swimming day.

Tuesday 10th July:- Year 1 Gardening Day – parents/carers/grandparents will be invited to come into school to help with our garden. More information will follow shortly.

Thursday 19th July:- End of Term (1pm finish)


Thank you

Year 1 team


Weekly note w/c 26.2.18

Dear Parents/Carers


We hope you are all looking forward to half term next week. If you have any pictures that you could bring in of somewhere that you have been in Guernsey or if you have been away to share when you get back that would be wonderful and we can put them up on our Guernsey and World maps in the classroom.



Please remember that on Wednesday 7th March at 7pm we have an e-safety information evening run by Matthew Parker. It would be great to see you there as I’m sure it will give you lots of information about how to keep your children safe online.


Science Home Learning Challenge

The children have loved having a go at making spinners in school and seeing what they can do to keep them in the air the longest. They also had a chance to see who had made the best spinner in assembly too which added to the excitement. The children will come home with a letter explaining how you can make spinners at home and see if they can improve on what they have already made. They will also come home with a template that you can use too. This is an optional challenge, but if you have a go we would love to see how you get on!



We will be continuing with looking at Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children are reciting this story most days and have been taught signs to help with remembering the story too. We have learnt actions to go with the words ‘early one morning, so, but, after that, first, next, first, who, at that moment, suddenly & finally.’ The children are doing a fabulous job at using these so they may like to show you themselves.



This week we will be looking at making amounts of money. The children have already been trying some of this using their real money in the Discovery Zone and doing a wonderful job. We will also move onto giving change too.


Over the last few weeks we have been having a lot of left over fruit after each break time which has been tricky to send back home because they aren’t named. Please could we ask that fruit is named either on the skin (for things like bananas) or put into a named tub so that if it is not eaten it can be taken back home and reduce the amount being thrown out.


Year 1 team



Weekly Note w/c 11.12.17

Dear Parents/Carers


Christmas Concert

Next week we will be performing our Christmas Concert. We will perform for the whole school on Monday 11th and the children are very excited about performing for you all on Tuesday 12th December in the afternoon. Our concert will start at 2pm.


Christmas Play

Our Year 5 have been busy putting together their Christmas play which they will perform on Wednesday 13th December at 11.15am. We will be walking down to St Martin’s church but need to have some help to do this safely. If you are able to help walk down to the church with your child’s class please could you let us know. At the moment we still don’t have enough help to go.


Christmas Party

On Thursday 14th December we have our Christmas party day. Children can come dressed in party clothes but please could you make sure that shoes are suitable for running around as we will still be going outside as normal.

Please see our blog note from last week and the paper copy letter that was given for the food that we kindly ask is brought in for your child’s class. If you are unable to find this please let us know.


Literacy and Numeracy

This week we will be reading and learning about the Christmas Story. We will also be continuing with our work on addition.


End of Term

Term will end on Tuesday 19th December at 1pm. The children don’t need to bring in lunch but an extra snack to help them get through the morning on top of their normal fruit/vegetable break time snack would be great. Children can also wear a Christmas jumper/mufti on the last day of term for a donation of 50p which will go to the LEPRA charity.


Year 1 Team



Weekly note w.b 20.11.17

Dear Parents/Carers


Thank you for all the donations for Children In Need, everyone looked fabulous and made such a great effort.



This week we will be starting to look at old toys. You may like to talk about some of the toys you played with as a child and how they are different to the toys the children play with now. You may also like to ask Grandparents to share toys that they had as a child too. We will also be thinking about toys that are special to us and why. You are welcome to take photos and send them in or email them for your child to talk about and share with their class.



The children will be looking at addition and making addition stories. We will use cubes to add numbers together and then move on to using a number line. We will be encouraging the children to start with the biggest number and count on.



The children are enjoying using mathletics. If you are having any problems logging on please let us know.


Wellington Boots

Despite the muddy conditions we still like to get outside as much as possible. Please ensure your child has a pair of wellington boots that are at school otherwise this may restrict where they are able to play as some areas are too muddy for school shoes.


Visit to Candie Musuem

We will be visiting Candie Museum to have a look at old toys. Our dates for going are as follows and all classes will be leaving at 10.00am until about 12pm. If you are able to help please let your class teacher know.

Miss Horsepool class – Monday 27th November

Mrs Bramley’s classTuesday 28th Novemer

Mrs Boscher’s Class – Friday 1st December


Year 1 team


Weekly note w/c 25.9.17

Dear Parents/Carers



The children have spent this week in their new phonics groups so we hope they are enjoying moving to different teachers. It has been lovely getting to know children from different classes.

We have been practising letter formation and the children are working really hard. We will be continuing to go over the formation over the next few weeks.



Next week in numeracy we will be learning to find 1 more and 1 less.

We hope that the children enjoyed Rainbow Maths Day today. They looked great dressed up in all their bright colours! This term we will be working on number bonds. In a couple of weeks, after completing some work on number bonds in class we will be sending out their own individual Rainbow Maths Targets.

We have a school subscription to a website called Skoolbo which is a fantastic resource for consolidating literacy and number skills. The children will shortly come home with a letter which will contain information on how to access the site along with passwords. We will explain how the site works with the children beforehand.


Local Explorers

As part of our topic this term ‘All about me’ we would love the children to share a place in Guernsey that they like to visit or spend time at. These photos will be put up in each of the classrooms on our Guernsey map displays.

As there will be quite a few photos coming in please could the photos be either a standard 6 x 4 size or feel free to email them to your child’s class teacher. If you don’t have our email address please use the ‘contact us’ form on the blog.



Over the next few weeks we shall be doing some observational drawings and activities on the theme of autumn. If you are out and about and find any conkers, acorns, sycamore seeds (‘helicopters’) pine cones or beautiful crispy autumn leaves etc then we would love to have a few brought into school to use in our classrooms.


Thank you for your continued support

The Year 1 Team


Weekly Note w/c 5.6.17

Dear Parents/Carers

This week we will be continuing with our story ‘Handa’s Surprise’. The children have learnt the story really well using actions to help them and so now they will have the opportunity to ‘innovate’ their stories to include different characters and settings. They will then get to write their new innovated stories, very exciting!

In numeracy we will looking at finding the difference of numbers. We will continue to work on rainbow maths targets so don’t forget to keep practising these at home. Click on the link for some activities that will help with these.

A reminder about bringing in hats for the warmer weather and please ensure that your children have suncream so that they don’t get burnt.

Next week is half term so we hope you enjoy a week off.

Year 1 team


Missing PE kit

We have a little boy in Mrs Boscher’s class who has lost his PE bag with his PE kit in it. Please could you check at home in case it has been taken by mistake. It is in a blue St Martin’s PE bag with the draw strings.

Kind Regards

Mrs Boscher