Weekly Note w/c 8.1.18

Welcome back, we hope you had a lovely holiday and wish you a Happy New Year.

This term the Discovery Zone’s focus will be on space and monsters. We will also link into this topic during our literacy lessons. Our Rainbow Targets this term will focus on doubles and halves, more details will follow shortly.

This term we are going to be teaching the children how to use money in a real life situation. Each day, the children will receive 50p in a mixture of coins to use to ‘pay’ for items and equipment in the Discovery Zone eg. 5 minutes in the messy will cost 10p, a box in the junk modelling will cost 2p. Children will be able to practice using different combinations of coins to pay for amounts and we will move onto calculating change as they are ready. For this work, we will be using real coins. Should you find that any coins make their way home, please could they be returned.

Our PE sessions continue to be on a Wednesday. Mrs Bramley’s and Mrs Boscher’s Classes will be doing indoor PE so will just need a white t-shirt and black shorts. Miss Horsepool’s Class will be doing outdoor games so will need trainers and warm outdoor clothes eg. joggers, t-shirt and a jumper.

Please could you ensure that your child brings a coat to school everyday. Please could ALL items that come into school be clearly named as this helps us to avoid lots of lost property.

This term, our visitors from Le Platon Home will be working in the Discovery Zone with Mrs Boscher’s Class.

We are looking forward to a busy and exciting term.

The Year 1 Team

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