Weekly note w/c 25.9.17

Dear Parents/Carers



The children have spent this week in their new phonics groups so we hope they are enjoying moving to different teachers. It has been lovely getting to know children from different classes.

We have been practising letter formation and the children are working really hard. We will be continuing to go over the formation over the next few weeks.



Next week in numeracy we will be learning to find 1 more and 1 less.

We hope that the children enjoyed Rainbow Maths Day today. They looked great dressed up in all their bright colours! This term we will be working on number bonds. In a couple of weeks, after completing some work on number bonds in class we will be sending out their own individual Rainbow Maths Targets.

We have a school subscription to a website called Skoolbo which is a fantastic resource for consolidating literacy and number skills. The children will shortly come home with a letter which will contain information on how to access the site along with passwords. We will explain how the site works with the children beforehand.


Local Explorers

As part of our topic this term ‘All about me’ we would love the children to share a place in Guernsey that they like to visit or spend time at. These photos will be put up in each of the classrooms on our Guernsey map displays.

As there will be quite a few photos coming in please could the photos be either a standard 6 x 4 size or feel free to email them to your child’s class teacher. If you don’t have our email address please use the ‘contact us’ form on the blog.



Over the next few weeks we shall be doing some observational drawings and activities on the theme of autumn. If you are out and about and find any conkers, acorns, sycamore seeds (‘helicopters’) pine cones or beautiful crispy autumn leaves etc then we would love to have a few brought into school to use in our classrooms.


Thank you for your continued support

The Year 1 Team

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