Weekly Note – 26.9.16

Dear parents/carers

We are really pleased with how well the children are settling into the routines and expectations of Year 1. Thankyou to those of you who have sent in ‘extreme reading’ photographs. The children have really enjoyed sharing them with their class.



We have been working on using correct number formation with the children in order to help them record their maths work. This is something that you could reinforce at home to help your child become more confident at writing their numbers correctly. However, this need not necessarily be with a paper and pencil. Here are some fun ideas to try:

  • Chalk on the patio – chalk the number and then ‘rub out’ using a paintbrush and water
  • Rainbow numbers – use a variety of coloured pencils or paints. Write a number and then go over it in different colours to create a rainbow effect
  • Write in the sand or mud using a stick
  • Write in a shallow tray of sand, salt, glitter or shaving foam
  • Write using a glue stick and then sprinkle with glitter or cover with collage materials
  • Write a number on your child’s back. Can they tell you what it is? Swap over and let them write on your back.

There are also some apps which support number formation.

Here are the number formation rhymes that we use in school:


When children can confidently write the numbers 0-9 then they can work on writing teens numbers (and then beyond) correctly, getting the digits in the correct order.

Well done to all of those children who have been achieving Mathletics certificates. As a reminder, these are awarded when 1,000 points are gained in a week. Mathletics resets the scores on a Sunday evening.

Next week we shall be working on 1 more and 1 less and number bonds to 10. Rainbow Maths Targets will be sent home next week.




Next week we shall start a literacy unit on bears. We shall be reading stories about bears and finding out information about bears using non-fiction books.


Class Photo Board


In Key stage 1 every class has a ‘Class Family’ display board. This is an opportunity for the children to share and talk about their hobbies and achievements out of school. For this display we would like the children to bring in a photograph showing something that is special to them, for example;

  • Something they enjoy doing outside school
  • Their favourite place to visit
  • A hobby or activity
  • A special achievement
  • A special family occasion e.g. birthday party or wedding
  • Their pets

If you do not have easy access to a printer and wish to e-mail a photograph to us we will be happy to print it out for your child.


Lost Property

We are already beginning to collect a lot of lost property. Could we please ask that you check that your child’s belongings are clearly named. This includes their uniform, PE kit, water bottles and fruit snack pots (these are taken outside at playtime and often get left in the playground!)


Many thanks

Year 1 staff


2 thoughts on “Weekly Note – 26.9.16

    • There is a lost property box near the Reception doors for all KS1 lost property. We try our best to reunite named items with children, but yes, it is worth a look!
      Miss Horsepool

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